Credit Checks
Engaging CollectIT to carry out credit checking for you may well be one of your better business investments.
Appearances can be deceptive. It is impossible to pick poor payers by the way they present themselves. Before you offer credit to clients or customers, you can save yourself a lot of pain by ensuring they have a clean credit history.
There are three categories that CollectIT are regularly carrying out credit checking for:

If you are employing staff it is peace of mind for you if you have carried out a credit check on the individual prior to hiring them. A defaulting debtor does not always mean that the individual has no respect for somebody else's time and money - sometimes it shows a lack of organisation in getting things paid on time.

Extending Credit to Businesses
It's always comforting (and good business acumen) to know that the businesses you are generously extending credit to, have a history of paying on time, every time.

You've invested a lot of money in an investment property whether it's residential or commercial and so it makes commercial sense to credit check the individuals or businesses who will be occupying your investment.
Contact the team at CollectIT via email or phone 0800 WE COLLECT
and ask about our Credit Check service.